What features are available?
Mortíforo includes the following features:
- PostgreSQL and Oracle
database support
- Modular database implementation by using the IBatis SqlMaps
Object-Relation Data Mapper. This means you are able to add compatibility to any DBMS with JDBC support
only by porting the queries, which are stored in a separate XML file
- Internationalization support. Mortíforo currently supports English, Spanish and Dutch, and adding
new languages is very easy
- Modular authentication implementation. Mortíforo can authenticate against a database or LDAP
server, which at the time of this writing, no other Free Software product can do. Adding support for alternative
authentication methods is very easy
- JPAM authentication support. You can use any
PAM module for authentication!
- Cross-platform, because it is developed under Java
- Uses the Freemarker library to separate the business
logic from the presentation layer in true MVC style, making the software easier to maintain
- A well-designed, normalized database scheme, that maintains data integrity. Other forum systems don't
even use foreign keys!
The forum itself has the following features:
- Write and read messages and topics, which are stored in forums and categories
- Use of the JCAPTCHA library to provide a CAPTCHA
(Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) test that makes it harder for
computer spammers to register in the forum
- Group permissions that allow you to set what features can be used
- Private forums are available, and you can set group or individual permissions to access them
- Subscription to topics and forums, which send you an email when new posts are made
- User preferences that allow you to change your language, email, password and more
- Flat and threaded message interface
- Move / Open / Close topic support
- Recover your password in case you lose it. Passwords are stored in a hash in the database for
extra security
- Create, edit and delete forums and categories
- Create, edit and delete users directly by the administrator
- Disable user registration
- Ability to create polls, up to 10 options each